In terms of new technology acceptance, Licensing is the most preferred business model as acceptance and approval is often fast tracked, with all parties, especially supply chain management as a new vendor. Completing the approval cycle is a daunting task, especially when it requires cross-functional acceptance from organizations such as engineering, user experience, marketing and innovation strategy. Once the technology is approved, the next hurdle is vendor approval, as manufacturing presents different complications. The simplest and quickest path to production is license arrangement. JLM's focuses in licensing technology primarily for European companies with revenues averaging over $25M+, startups, major research institutions.


Ford Motor Company want to license  the intermittent windshield wiper but the inventor wanted to manufacturer the product . The point to make new technology approved is hard enough but license deal can move the process  much  faster.  The second battle is vendor approval and which requires an audit financial and manufacturing. The Fortune 500 have their supply chain approved vendors Ford stated on most cases DOD ( dead on arrival ) for a new start up to be approved as a supplier in the movie “Blink of An Eye.” 

Windshield wipers inspire Hollywood movie

For two decades, Robert Kearns waged an obsessive crusade against the auto industry, which he accused of stealing his invention. It destroyed his marriage, brought on a mental breakdown and may have cost him millions.

All because of a dispute over a humble piece of equipment: the intermittent windshield wiper.

Not exactly the stuff of Hollywood drama, you say? Veteran film producer Marc Abraham would beg to differ. He found Kearns’ story so captivating that instead of hiring a director to bring it to the screen, he did the job himself.

“There was something about this story that I felt so personally committed to,” said Abraham, who makes his directorial debut with “Flash of Genius,” starring Greg Kinnear as Kearns. The movie, distributed by Universal Pictures, was shown during the recent Traverse City Film Festival and opens in theaters Oct. 17.

“I’ve always had a lot of respect for average working people,” said Abraham, a Kentucky native who drove a beer truck, waited tables and sold baby pictures door-to-door while trying to break into show business. “Bob wasn’t an ordinary man; he was probably a genius. But as a person, his lifestyle, his family scale, he was just an average guy. So I felt like I understood that.”

Kearns died of cancer in 2005 at age 77, four decades after perfecting the intermittent wiper design in his basement workroom. The one-time engineering instructor at Wayne State University in Detroit received numerous patents for his mechanism.

Inspiration in the blink of an eyeThe idea came to him from the irregular blinking of his left eye, which eventually went blind after being struck by a champagne cork on his wedding night.

Kearns took his gadget to Ford Motor Co., which initially showed interest; its engineers had been trying to develop a similar system. But he never reached a licensing agreement with Ford or other automakers, partly because he insisted on forming his own company to manufacture the wipers.

Ford began turning out cars with intermittent wipers in 1969, and competitors soon did likewise. Kearns sued Ford in 1978, claiming patent infringement, and took on Chrysler Corp. four years later.

He ultimately filed lawsuits against 26 companies, including General Motors Corp. Most were tossed out of court, although he won judgments against Ford and Chrysler that ultimately brought him more than $30 million.   The point to make sign a license agreement which is hard enough . 

companies under agreement with jlm:



Level 1, 429-439 Toorak RoadToorak, Victoria, 3142 | Australia

GDTC converts tires end of life to oil and carbon as a byproduct ( 45% ) plus recycle the steel . US to build a plant by a one of the largest tire collection firm in North America and back by their equity firm to take controlling interest for North America ($100M). Globally pyrolysis technologies -waste tire conversion to oil have yet to make a profit as the the by products value was less then operation cost . Now GDTC process is inline with Carbonscape process that can produce ultra-pure graphite . A letter of intent is being write up.


Unit 1, 12 Liverpool St Riverlands Estate, Blenheim 7274,Marlborough, New Zealand

Carbonscape process ability to deliver “battery ready” graphite from GDTC carbon by product from their process of tire conversion.

This is game changer when its completed GDTC and Carbonscape sign license agreement. A business case US needed $350 a ton for th carbon in order to develop a plant . North American market reaching out to build 25 + plants with cost $12-15 million a plant . JLM is marketing agent for both Carbonscape & GDTC- CarbonScape Signed MOU to license Carbonscape patent technology to convert carbon to graphite . Graphite pure 4-9’s to 5-9’s has a spread buy well over $1,000 a ton. One plant today is design for 20,000 tons of tires that can product 5,000 tons of graphite . The plants are modular so have capacity to double or triple the output


( A license agreement based on performance ) More details under Energy Section

Anton Clemens Automotive GmbH    

Braunsberg 35  D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach Germany  

Company makes a globally patented automotive wireless charger with a robotic arm that makes any smart phone a universal fit. The firm has sales over $50M, more in automotive LED light products. A royalty license deal is being set up, as both parties receive mutual benefit making for a strategic fit for each company. Anton receives immediate market access to licensee major accounts and as an approved vendor. The licensee expertise in mass manufacturing high volume consumer electronics cannot be overlooked as well.




License agreement Anton Clemens & Bracketron based on US Patent being cleared by US Patent office more details under Automotive Section

ATi Composites Canada Inc.

9245 35 Ave Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5Y1, Canada

NexSys Insulated Wall System R -30 Rated Wall Panel — Full Automation

  • This new product by NexSys precast fire rated, insulated wall & floor systems and fire rated doors are covered with new patents.

  • PATENT has been accepted and approved by the USPTO the Patent Number 10,364,185 (Michael Mabey ) This will make five currently issued patents to Mabey, et al.

  • UL & ULC Listed products: Currently producing components on a limited scale for a proprietary fire rated doors , wall & floor panels.

Georgia pacific sample evaluation agreement

( Based on performance GP to sign a license agreement )

- Offering License technology globally for three vertical markets

Sparatech  LLC  

St Davids, PA

John Lyons Co-founder estimates revenue over a billion on thermal electric microfluidic device that captures heat energy and converts to electric power. 

The heat absorption panel is simply replaced with the Sparatech panel.

The benefit to the server farm operator are immense. Our system generates DC electrical power. This power can be used to drive coolant pumps, fans, etc. Excess energy can be used for power storage in a battery backup mode. This system eliminates entire refrigerant systems and large liquid pumps/air heat exchangers. This fact virtually makes the cooling system more affordable by reducing capital installation equipment and space costs.  


sparatech thermal electric overview

More details under Network & Data Centers

Imint Image Intelligence

AB Kungsängsgatan 12, SE-75322 Uppsala, Sweden


IMint video stabilization algorithm for consumer electronics

imint new market

More details under Consumer Electronics section

SoftOx Solutions

Olso, Norway

SoftOx Solutions AS is a Norwegian MedTech company listed on Oslo Stock Exchange – Mercur Market – with HQ in Oslo and with a subsidiary in Copenhagen. SoftOx is developing solutions for wound treatments. To prevent infections to fight hard- to-heal wounds as well as chronic wounds where biofilm is presented and part of the problem.

SoftOx has developed a technology that enables us to produce a stable and effective solution by combining known antimicrobial substances in a way no one has done before.

The first firm to stabilize Hyochlorous Acid with Acetic Acid is a unique synergy which provides broad- spectrum towards bacteria , moulds viruses and spores. Soft-OX is engaged with wound care firms with NOT hyochlorous acid as Soft-Ox is just reviewed as competition. .As the severity of antibiotic resistance gradually is acknowledged, SoftOx sees a huge a market potential for our products Our products are protected by a large patented family. SoftOx products are intended for humans as well as for animals.Global license rights in the wound care first market for animal health.FDA pending on the human side.

More details under Medical

Decon-X International AS

Vollsveien 13C, 1366 Lysaker,Norway

A state of the art disinfectant machine based on a license arrangement. Decon-X focus on chemistry firms with a hydrogen peroxide base formulation and have a strong customer base in a number of vertical markets. The intelligent system will control the solution usage and provide higher efficiency. Annual cost will be less and much better controlled. Decon-X system can be added to a product line as automated system, no manual labor required.